Never Forgotten
Special horses that will live forever in our hearts.
OLIVIA - Nov 9/24. She came to us Oct/23 with laminitis and we knew that there would come a time when we couldn't keep her comfortable. She suddenly took a turn for the worse and it was decided to free her from her pain.
DEENA - Sept 19/17. At 31 her body was shutting down, and we had to make the difficult decision to have her euthanized.
CARA - Sept 15/17 - She slipped in the pasture where her owner boarded her, and the tendons in her front leg was damaged beyond repair. She was in a lot of pain, and her owner did what was best for her.
SHILOH - summer 2017. He had a growth in his eye that was spreading, and surgery wouldn't have made a difference. His owner had him put down before the pain was out of control.
LACE - Feb 4/17. She fell on ice and broke a major bone in her right front elbow. Xrays showed it was in a place that couldn't be fixed, and there was no hope of recovery.
SAVANNA - Oct 14/16. She developed laminitis and the vet determined she also had internal problems that couldn't be cured. She was a sweet horse who had a rough life before coming to us.
ELSA - July 15/16. As Elsa grew she had more and more trouble walking or putting her head down. Xrays showed that she had a deformity in her spine that was crushing her spinal cord, and there was no hope to save her.
VICKI - June 3/16. Vicki arrived with
RAVEN - May 6/16. Raven came here with a damaged pelvis and backbone, but she was in no pain and would walk, trot and lope in the pasture. We placed her in a good home as a companion where we knew she'd be well taken care of and never ridden. Unexpectedly, her pelvis snapped in half and she had to be euthanized.
ANNIE - April 2016. Annie was raced and then used as a broodmare for years. It took a toll on her body, and at 19 yrs old, her body started shutting down. Her owner made the hard decision to have her put to sleep.
MINNIE - June 17/15. Minnie was only 6 weeks old when she arrived here (she was already weaned). As she grew, it became obvious that something was wrong with her back legs. By 11 months old, she had trouble walking, her bone angles were wrong, and her tendons were too short, and she was in a lot of pain. The vet said it was a genetic defect that couldn't be corrected. We didn't want her to suffer, so we had to have her put down.
BELLA - Feb 26/15. Bella's teeth showed us she was at least 30 years old, and her body was shutting down plus arthritis had set in. She was in a lot of pain, so we had to have her euthanized.
TROUBLE - Jan 17/15. Trouble was with her owners for over a year and was doing great, but they suddenly lost her to a bad bout of colic.
LIBERTY - June 2014. Her owner found her tangled in a fence, and her injuries were so bad she had no choice but to have her euthanized.
CANDY - June 12/14. She had a heart attack and left us with a 12 day old foal. (the foal did fine on milk replacer)
POPCORN - June 4/14. We rescued her as a foal and as she grew the angles in her back legs were wrong. At 11 months old she started to limp on one back leg, and xrays showed her ankle bones had broken. There was no chance for recovery. We suspect her and Minnie were full sisters, as both had the same genetic problem.
SNICKERS - May 27/14. Snickers came to us with badly scarred back legs and ringbone in both back feet. As time passed, the ringbone progressed and she was in a lot of pain. We could do no more for her and had to make the decision to have her euthanized.
Apr. 2/14 - Lily had her foal 6 weeks early, a filly. The cord twisted and cut off the blood supply, so the filly was born dead. We thought she still deserved to have a name and be remembered, as we won't ever forget her, even though she didn't get a chance at life.
TIANA - Mar. 8/14 - While running with her herdmates, she slipped on the ice and slid into a feeder, she damaged her front leg beyond repair, we couldn't save her.
BAMBI (Carlyn) - Aug 26/13. Carlyn was with her owner for many years, but a freak accident at the boarding stable cost Carlyn her life.
OAKLEY - June 20/13. Oakley's owner called us to say he had fallen in the pasture while running and broke the radius bone in his front leg. He couldn't be saved.
MARKIE - May 3/13. Markie was a jumper who sustained a ligament injury that wouldn't heal properly. She came here to retire and did well for a few years, but her body started to break down due to her age and the injury. We had her put to sleep with her owner and us beside her.
DUTCHESS - Aug 22/12. Dutchess came here very skinny with a damaged shoulder, damaged back fetlocks and burn marks on her withers. She gained weight but her fetlocks were very unstable and unstable ground could have caused them to break. 4 different vets advised us to put her down.
RUBY - November 26th, 2014 she was euthanized due to a freak overnight accident that she never would have recovered from.
TAWNY - July 25/11. Tawny ran through a panel fence because a moose came through our yard, and severely damaged 3 legs. Although her legs healed, the stress and drugs caused laminitis. We tried everything possible to heal her, but the damage was too great. For her sake, we had her euthanized.
BOO - July 6/10. Boo was born with crooked front legs, as as she grew, they got worse. By 2 yrs old, she was in a great deal of pain and we had to do what was best for her.
CHLOE - July 6/10. Chloe has a deformity in her spine that was pressing on her spinal cord and she couldn't walk properly. The vets determined that it would only get worse with time, so her owner made the decision to euthanize her.
MOCHA - May 15/18. She was 25 years old and due to severe arthritis we had to make the heart breaking decision to have her eutanized.
KALLIE - June13/18. She was close to 30 and severe arthritis set in, with heavy hearts we made the decision to euthanize her to end her suffering.
SHEERAH May 6, 2019 Due to a brain tumor causing her to be dangerous, we had to have her euthanized.
TAMAR Feb 19th 2020
Due to a freak accident she damaged her leg beyond repair and we had her humanly euthanized.
Sandy May 25, 2020 she had a bad accident at her home and had to be euthanized.
RASTA - Dec 25/20. Rasta died unexpectedly of bastard strangles. She showed no signs of having it.
SKYE - Jan 14/21 - She presented with bastard strangles in the morning and died 5 hours later
ANGEL - Jan 22/21. We lost Angel due to complications from colic.
MINDY - Apr 16/21. She severely bowed a tendon that was previously injured many years ago. There was no chance for her to heal, so her owners made the decision to put her down for her sake.
FLAME - Feb. 13/21 - She was 27 years old & went down with colic. We had her euthanized as there was no hope to save her.
HALO - Oct 22/21 - We lost her to a severe case of colic.
ARIZONA - July 7/22. She developed kissing spine and had fractured vertebrae in her withers, so her owner made the hard decision to take her out of her pain.
BAILEY - July 22/22. Many problems with her feet that caused her a lot of pain, so her owner did what was best for her sake.
ARIEL - Oct 14/22. Due to injuries from years ago, her legs were breaking down and she was in a lot of pain. We chose to release her from suffering.
GYPSY - Oct 14/22. Due to a deformity she was born with, as she got older arthritis set in. Even with meds she was in so much pain she became dangerous to both us and herself.
DALLY - July 19/23. She had severe arthritis in her front knees and medication wasn't helping. She was in pain, so we did what was right for her sake.
PROMISE - Oct 31/23. She was 27 yrs old and her heart was failing. We said goodbye to her before winter set in.
CINDY - JAN 23/24. Her back suddenly dropped causing her extreme pain. Nothing could fix it so we had to say goodbye to her.
JAVA - May 30/24. She had cancer and we knew it was only a matter of time before it got out of control. She developed a lot of pain, so we did what was best for her.
MANDY - July 13/24. She was well over 30 years old, and went down with severe colic. We had to say goodbye to her.
OLIVIA - Nov 9/24. She came to us Oct/23 with laminitis and we knew that there would come a time when we couldn't keep her comfortable. She suddenly took a turn for the worse and it was decided to free her from her pain.
DEENA - Sept 19/17. At 31 her body was shutting down, and we had to make the difficult decision to have her euthanized.